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Clinical Concept Library

The CCL is made up of 3 data tables:

  • clinical_concept
  • value_set_members
  • coding_systems

High-level ERD



The clinical_concept table contains one record per clinical concept (e.g. asthma, metformin, etc.). Each clinical concept is expected to be associated with content from value_set_members that identifies the codes from one or more standardized clinical vocabularies that imply the concept. If the concept represented by a clinical_concept row is felt no longer to be needed or valid, it should be changed to status “inactive” rather than deleted from the table.

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Defines standardized clinical vocabularies with which value_set_members content is associated. While nearly all standardized clinical vocabularies are updated regularly, individual versions are not specified in this table. However, different “flavors” of standardized vocabularies (e.g. ICD-10-CM vs. the international version of ICD-10 published by the World Health Organization) should be represented by separate rows.

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For a given concept, value_set_members contains the codes from one or more standardized vocabularies that imply the concept. Eventually it may be necessary to expand the table design to cover “control exclusions” if needed for research use cases.

If the value set membership represented by a value_set_members row is felt no longer to be needed or valid, it should be changed to status “inactive” rather than deleted from the table.

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